Saturday, March 31, 2007

Poor Mick!

Oh yes, I brought one of my cats to the vet today too. Mick had been drooling since yesterday and he could not eat or drink. I got worried about him, and decided to drive him to see a vet at noon just now.

Vet said Mick is having some problems with his jaws as he could not close that. Possibly, he got jaws dislocation due to the collar that got stuck in his mouth yesterday. However, he is badly dehydrated, thus he needs to be hospitalized today for drip. Thus he can only be put on GA tomorrow for x-rays of his mouth and operation, if necessary.

Ahh, my poor cat… Bet it must be really painful and torturous for him. Of course, I got to burn a hole in the pocket for him at the vet again... However, $ is not important, as long as he is fine.

... Animals are usually helpless when they are sick, as they are not like us who know how to verbalise our pains and seek help when necessary. Thus it is only right that we are to be responsible for their well-beings, isn't it?

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