Thursday, September 07, 2006

"The Why You Are Here Cafe"

Finished reading this book " The Why You Are Here Cafe" by John P.Strelecky. It is on loan to me by my colleague. It is a very thin book of 120 odd pages, and is very easy to read. The story was about a man called John who got lost on his way to a vacation and was running low on petrol. He finally found himself in a small cafe, the only establishment in a very remote area of nowhere. In this cafe, he was confronted with these 3 questions on the food menu:

Why Are You Here?
Do You Fear Death?
Are You fulfilled?

With the guidance from the cook, waitress and a patron, John went on a journey of self-discovery.

This is a book that offers good food-for-thought and perhaps for some readers, it presents a whole new way to see themselves and the world around them.

There are a few insights/quotes which caught my attention. Decided to pen them down here, perhaps to serve as a reminder for myself.

" Why is it that we spend so much of our time preparing for when we can do what we want, instead of just doing what we want right now?"

" life only you truly know what you want from your existence. Don't ever let things or people drive you to the point where you feel you no longer have control over your own destiny. Be active in choosing your path, or it will be chosen for you."

" Life is a great story. It is just that some people don't realise they are the author, and they can write it however they want."

"When you weighs two choices, and one is living a life that fulfills your Purpose For Existence, and the other is just living. You would think the decision is simple. It isn't... This is the place where most people end their journey. They peek through a hole in the fence, and can clearly see the life they would like to have, but for any number of reasons, they don't open the gate and walk into that life."

"You can't fear not having the chance to do something if you are doing it now or have already done it."

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