Monday, September 11, 2006

A Gift on a Mon Morning

Stepped in office this morning to find something on my table. It was a gift...

Opening it, I saw a card with hand written words of the essence " Always aim for the sky, for if you fail, at least you can reach the clouds." Together with that, there was a photo taken at the highest spot in Cameron Highland.

Was actually getting a bit more emotional this morn. Not exactly thinking of much things, but somehow feelings are just running on their own. Perhaps it is just the Monday morning kind of blues... And this sweet little gift caught me by surprise so much so that tears started swelling in my eyes for that moment... I was touched, in fact, very touched somehow. Acts of encouragements came at a time when I had least expected it...Such girlish kind of feelings, isn't it? Haha...

Nevertheless, I thank her for being so sweet and thoughtful always. Though our friendship has started just not too long ago, she has already made a difference in my life... I am full of appreciation and gratitude for this god-sent gift.


Anonymous said...


how did i end up in ur blog?? :P


bitchydolly said...

Well...cos u make it to be lor, my frd!! <:o)