Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The journey for past 3 years

It has been more than 2 and ½ years since I have completed my AW journey. Looking back, these few years seems to pass so quickly, with lots of learning, discovery and growing up.

There was once this girl who always thought that she is not good enough, and made things harder for herself than they seemed. She is more than often unhappy and glum cos of what life has laid out for her so far. Setbacks made her lose confidence of herself, and added to her already low self-esteem.

AW journey was an eye opener to her. She rediscovered herself, knew what are her limiting beliefs and realized what are important to her. She took it further by stepping out of her box to create break-thru. The 3 months leadership program made her shine. She played with all her heart, creating results and supporting others, as she knew that LP is her life. She was eventually the torchbearer, the one who brought out the essence of LP, the distinctions and crucials. She was surprised she was the torch receiver and bearer, as she always think that there is someone who is better and deserves more than her.

She subsequently went back to staff and senior, making the stand that someone else once made for her. The experiences were spectacular. She learnt even more about herself, kept busting her own beliefs, and went out to create more results.

And yes, the girl is me. AW journey let me get close to my heart. I am a passionate, caring and loving woman, isn’t it? Beneath the apparent bitchness, there lies a heart that feels so much for the people around her, as much as I hate to admit that, and as much as I tried to cover it up. I am a woman with hard love, said a lot. I can only smile at that remark.

I dislike the feeling of vulnerability as it makes me very naked and feel that I am out of control. To me, it is a sign of weakness, and it may mean a stop in action. Of course, many pointed out to me that I am wrong. As I always appear to be hard and strong, vulnerability is actually my greatest asset to move people and create results. And when I tested it, it is indeed true. Such irony, isn’t it?

These past 3 years had been full of ups and downs for me. There were a lot of hard lessons in work for me, and I picked myself up and learnt. With people, my heart is still so fragile at times, hurt at certain accusations or over certain misunderstandings, and puzzled at how the events turn out. Sometimes I am still grouchy about how life has been, or how people have been.

However, I dealt with these emotions better nowadays, knowing how to let go when there is a need to. I am also constantly working on my relationships with my family, my loved ones, friends and myself. I have more personal time now, and thus I occupy myself with newfound hobbies or routines. Best of all, they are healthy activities! :P Consquently, I have a much balanced lifestyles, and feel more at peace.

At the same time, most importantly, I have come the longest way with myself, learning to love and trust myself. I have learnt to open up my heart to people, and communicate my feelings and thoughts, and taking risks with people. I love myself better now, savoring every moment of the fine and simple enjoyments in life.

Time never seems to be enough now! I seem to have endless things to do! :) And I have been out there creating results in my life. The results may not seem a big deal to others, but to me, these are my personal achievements, and I am glad that I am well focused at the beginning of each year, and achieve the goals that I set at year end.

Looking back, I am greatful to Kelly who had made the stand for me 3 years back, and is happy with where I am today. Life has never been perfect, that is a fact. However, looking at the world and events with a different set of goggles certainly change my whole perspective, and Wala, suddenly life seems to be more enjoyable and smoother for me. Counting my blessings, I know that I am more than fortunate. :)

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