Monday, May 07, 2007

This Moment

This moment
Out of the blue
Under the starry sky
Emotions go haywire
Tears start wanting to make its presence felt

This moment
Can it freeze in time?
The distance between us
The thoughts that we connect
The warmth of your hugs

This moment
It is like sand
Yet much reluctance to let it slip
Fearing that it never
Comes true ever again

This moment
Being caught in it
All becomes blurred
Thoughts obscured
Feelings mixed

This moment
I despise myself
For being so feeble
For succumbing to such puerility
For giving in to emotions

This moment
Will pass of course
Next moment is new
Change is the only constant
Yet heart and mind sometimes are never best of friends

Let them work it out…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wats up dearie? y the emotional release? allowing yourself to b in the moment. allowing all your feelings, emotions, thoughts & physical sensation to be in this moment & then let it go. juz like taking a breathe then letting it out so that the next breathe may enter.
