Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Ahh, Irritating!

Ah, my hands can’t keep off them. They are getting me high, driving me crazy.

I hate it...when i got bites that itch. I have a tendency to keep scratching them.

I think many of my friends should know - I can withstand pain, but not itch. Arrggh...

And the bites that I got (should be sand fly bites) are now big, red, swollen with transparent discharges. The bites are all over my legs, and one on my right hand. They are a pitiful sight now, though the itch is not easing at all. The worst one is about 5cm in diameter! Took a Piriton last nite to ease the itch, but as usual, it knocked me out... too powerful a pill for putting me to sleep.

Ahhh, I think I gotta stop scratching. Otherwise, they are going to get worse, not to add that the scars will be there for a long time... But... it is SOOOOO hard to resist. =...(

Doctor, here I may come again....

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