Monday, January 29, 2007


Once there is a strain on a relationship, it can never be the same ever again?

Just like a cracked mirror... no matter how hard I try to mend or make good, the cracks will always be there. Perhaps the cracks may not be so obvious; however, it will never be as 'flawless' as it once was.

Of course, I can try to make the relationship better. Yet, it takes both hands to clap. One-sided effort will never quite work out, isn't it? Not to mention that there are so many other factors that determine the make or break of it.

But at the end of it all, whether it is worth all the effort or not, I think it is a personal choice. It really depends on who the person is and his or her importance to me. For some, they can simply be discarded in the garbage bin once and for all. Yet for some selected few, no matter what they have done or what happens, the love for them is always unaffected.

I'm not out to please everyone in the whole wide world and can never achieve that as well. If you happen to fall into a category that I don’t give a darn or can't be bothered more, do not try to be funny. Have you ever seen how a cat reacts when it feels threatened? I will be like tat if you ever invade into my space and step on my toes… Haha…

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