Sunday, January 28, 2007


Think I am really becoming an auntie…

I am getting more and more pro in buying things like groceries, CNY goodies and decorations. For the past few years, CNY is a time for me to get busy with getting all these stuff, not my mom…

Since many years ago, I have also been very involved in getting items like pillows, wardrobes, beds, electric appliances, paints…The list goes on… I think you get the idea.

I am not getting good and having more time to go shopping for stuff like clothes or accessories to make myself look pretty pretty lor. Caught me during a weekend, and you will know how nua I can be.

Not to say if I walk around a little bit more, and I will be worn out with legs and back aching, eyes closing...

All these are signs of aging huh?

Certainly getting less desirable … (Never attractive to start off with already…!!)

Sweet young things… are what men always look for …

Not an ugly old auntie in the making…

*Shake head in exasperation*

1 comment:

nicelegs said...

but you are auntie mah..