Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Lord of the Ring Movie

I was watching Lords of the Ring - The Return of the King, i.e. Part 3 yesterday evening. It was the 2nd half of that 3h long show. The 1st half was screened on Sun evening.

As I was watching the show, I realised it is all about the 4 crucials - compelling desire, solid beliefs, effective actions and iron will! It also strongly brings out the distinctions like "If it is to be, it is up to me", "Team work, team players working towards a common vision" and "My vision, commitments, promises dictates my actions, not my feelings, assessments or evaluations". I must say the show also paints a vivid picture of courage, strength, friendship, love and passion.

It is indeed good to watch the same movie again - I may notice some details that I fail to notice the first time round. This is the same in life - when I revisit certain things in my life, I may get a different angle of understanding.

…So for those who said TV shows or movies are a waste of time, perhaps it is time for them to re-look into that comment. There are certainly things that one may learn from selected shows... if one is mindful enough, if I may use that word... :P

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