Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Bond between Man and Animal

Was watching Animal Planet channel on SCV past midnight yesterday and refused to sleep without finishing the show that I was watching. :P

The program was showing the relationship between a Japanese zookeeper, Ashihito ( Hope I got his name rite! :P) and his white polar bear, Peace in Japan. This very passionate and loving man was tasked to take care of the baby polar bear back in 2000.

He worried about Peace like his own daughter. When she was a cub, he was worried about Peace’s weight, finding the right milk formula for her and feeding her. When Peace was 8 months old, he was trying all means to teach her to get into water so that she could keep herself cool during the hot summer. He knew that polar bears are more prone to stress than any other animals and may fall sick due to that, thus he showered Peace with lotsa love, attention and care eversince she was a baby.

Yet, when Peace was coming to 3, Ashihito's superiors disallowed him to have close contacts with Peace anymore, as she can be potentially dangerous to a human being. He was devastated. However, that did not stop him - he still cared for Peace constantly, standing outside her cage to establish the bonding with her every day. When she had unexplained convulsions at age 3+ years, he voluntarily stayed back late at work everyday to care for her too. That showed how deep his love is for Peace.

He said, “Peace may has changed in size, but her eyes never change. They are so gentle. At least to me, they are." He also made a statement something along the line of "even if we cannot understand the animals totally, we still try to care for them in their best interests..." and he is always thinking about how best he can care for Peace, and what is next for her.

The strong bonding and deep trust between the foster father and Peace can never be erased or replaced. Ashihito's eyes were filled with love and warmth whenever he looked at Peace….

Well, rattling so much about the devoted Ashihito, and the white polar bear... I am, for a reason or another, just simply very touched by the deep love, affection, care, trust and bonding that were very strongly brought up in this animal - human relationship. So touched that tears could unknowingly start to swell in my eyes while watching this show. Sometimes I am also amazed how much I can feel for something. Perhaps it is because we are talking about an animal here…

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