Thursday, June 21, 2007

Last Night...

When was the last time you have some quiet time to yourself? Was it yesterday, a week ago, or you can't even remember?

It was a Wed night, past midnight. The neighbourhood was quiet. Such serenity. The radio was on, playing some oldies, and the soothing melody filled the house. The sky was clear. Out on the balcony, I could hear the sounds of the water downstairs. The gentle breeze on the face was a good feeling. Staring into the sky, I realised the stars were out to play. It was certainly a beautiful sight, and a great moment...Yes, it is usually too bright locally to see lotsa stars. However, I realised if you pay attention at times, you may notice the sky can be filled with quite a number of them.

... There are too many things that you and I may have taken for granted... Being caught in the rat race, we sometimes may get so caught up with the challenges and nitty gritty of the fast-paced life... that we fail to even stop for a moment to appreciate the beauty and amazements that surround us all the time.

It is so easy to lose oneself... to forget why one has started out for... to miss out or take for granted those people whom have always been around... it is also easy to get out of touch and disconnected with one's innermost feelings too...

Learning to appreciate the small details can bring moments of happiness, I suppose. Constant reminders to myself is necessary.

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