Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Did this some time back. Was feeling a little emotional about things. So here is what i wrote:

A day that feelings are at a still stand
Unwilling to wander
Reluctant to ponder

Changes is the only constant
That I know
Yet when it is straight in my face
It all seems more than it can snow
Is that the truth?
Or is it otherwise?

When was the last time I listen to my heart?
That I can’t recall
Is it cold?
Has it fold?
Or has it died?
Answer is the dye

Yet, the sky is still ever blue
And the sun is out to shine
The sea is still so true
And the stars are bright so high
Changes have they?
No is the answer?

Maybe this is life
Answers are not meant to have
Ponders are not meant to be
Take what come may
And make the best of it

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