Sunday, May 18, 2008


Wed marked a very sad day. One of my close friend’s mom passed away in the early morning. It was a sudden death as a heart seizure simply robbed her life in that split second when she collapsed onto the floor at the void deck below their block. HF was the only one with her then.

When I heard the news of the death over the phone, I was in total shock as I did not remember her mom to be in any serious illness. HF was sobbing so hard over the phone, and my heart went out to her. I know how that feels. And as she was such a close friend of mine, I could not help but feel very upset over her mom’s death too… I understand how hard it is for the family to accept her sudden departure.

I was at the wake on both Thu and Fri evening with different friends. Did I ever mention that I do not like to be at a wake? I hate the feeling generally in the air, I am afraid that I could not control my sadness... But as someone lending support, the last thing is to break down first.

The end of the journey for the mom, but the lives of family go on, and they gotta learn to cope without her. It would not be an easy time for them, but hopefully time should heal. There is little that I could do to make a big difference to HF in the meanwhile, but I supposed the least I could do is be with her when she just needs someone to be around.

Life is so fragile… You never know when it ends… That is why we cannot simply wait for tomorrow to do something that we always want to do or to show love to someone who is so dear to us…

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