Thursday, December 02, 2010


I feel that there is nothing that I can do well
Small and big matters
I seem to fail them all
I feel so tiny and inadequate
I did not try hard enough?
My way of being is wrong?
Or simply I am just not good enough?

Some stuff I could never quite understand -
Why do I have it more difficult than others?
Why do I have to fall time and time again?
Why do I always have to take a step back and start all over again when things start to look a little rosier?
Why do I need to pay such a heavy price for certain foolish actions many years back?

I have spent a lot of time with myself some years back and for the past years
To liberate myself, to see the world and happenings with a different pair of goggles;
To seek clarity in my life; to work issues out;
To ground myself, and to move on with life with renewed strength, confidence and reassurance
And I work hard at it – I really do

Yet all it takes is just one thing to crash it all
To erase all my hard work I have done before
And at this point, I seem to be back at square one
I start asking all the whys, questioning so hard again
And there are heaps of things that I would like to do well
But my results simply fall short…
Before one issue can be solved, another bigger issue pops out
All I am capable of doing now is giving problems to my most loved one
Making him worry about me all the times…
And this is making me very sad…

Tell me what I can do… how can I do it better?
I know I need to shift, but can I and how?
Why can’t things just change for the better this once?
This journey seems so tough
And the end point does not seem anywhere in sight
But I need to push myself to cross the ending point victoriously
I have to, isn’t it? There is no return…


Anonymous said...

you were never a problem to m. In fact, it is an honour to serve my beloved one. Afterall, I am a strong supporter. Together, we can look forward for better things to come. Don't worry, it's not the end of the world. We will make it to the end of the tunnel.

Anonymous said...

U have always given your best, to excel at each task, no matter how big or how small is it.

Everybody will always have ups and downs, so do not give up as victory belongs to the one who fought till the end.

Have the fighting spirit of a toddler, despite falling time and again, a toddler will still strive to stand up and walk on its own.

U have us supporting you.

Cheer up. If you don't want people around you to be worried, you will have to be positive about the future.

Positive thinking and actions yields positive results.

No storms will last forever, but love will stay and last a lifetime.