Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Thots around love

Love isn’t love when it becomes suffocating, I believe.

I supposed it is the space an individual is operating from. I remembered very clearly this example given by someone about his aunt and uncle. This aunt always cooks for them and make sure that they are well fed during every meal… but no matter what, all the kids try to avoid being in her presence for she is always rattling about how much she cares and loves them, how much she make sure they are well and good. The answer is obvious in this instance – the aunt’s actions stem out from her neediness for appreciation and acknowledgement from others, and people feel stifling to be around her.

Yet, he has this uncle that is always stern and will always sit them down to question what they want in life or what’s next for them. Although it is tough to pull a quick one around the uncle, he is always well-like for others know that he does have their interests at heart… He operates from an abundance of love, always willing to give and contribute in every way he could.

See, human beings are somehow very smart. Words just don’t exactly count, for love can be felt… and it is dependent on how you give and how the other person feel about it. If you are always lamenting about your unappreciated love from friends, family or partner, it is high time you relook into the space you are operating from and how you have been giving your so-called love.

My thoughts around it:
  • Love is allowing enough room for each other to grow and develop- no stickiness please. Personal space should be respected and it allows one to appreciate the time spent together with the other party.
  • Love is genuinely caring and supporting the other party such that he gets to where he wants to be. It doesn’t have to look a certain way - it doesn’t have to be nice words or sweet actions… it could be challenging and provoking questions with honest and authentic feedback…
  • Love is like flying a kite – one needs to know when to let loose and when to tighten the string. Holding it too tightly mean it can never fly high or it may snap off; holding it too loosely may mean one may lose it to the wind or it spins out of control. It is an art and it calls for different actions on the same issue in different situations.
  • Too much of anything is bad, so no extreme expression of love too. Subtlety is indeed very much appreciated and persistency in the wrong way is repulsive.

Learning how to fly a kite well should be in everyone’s to-do list… Maybe one will get more enlightenment as one practices to be better at it. *raised eyebrows*


nicelegs said...

haha.. i kinda agree wit you..

bitchydolly said...

See - I got INK at times, rite?! LOL

nicelegs said...

ha ya.. i think nowadays you ink not bad..