Thursday, January 12, 2012

Run Dolly Run...

Ideally I would like to end 2011 with a run (which I did when this was eventually posted).

Yes, I have finally started to run again, after almost a 2 year break. Getting started is difficult; finding time for it is even worse. To make sure that I will make conscious effort to find time to run more regularly, I have made myself sign up for a half marathon happening this May. The initial conversation was doing a half marathon in this Dec, then it was shifted to Aug and eventually to May. So much about intention and more time doesn't mean better huh? LOL.

Why I would like to end 2011 with a run? It is simple – it grounds me. I always feel running is very closely related to the journey of life, and it is a sports full of learning for me at all times, in terms of understanding myself better and how best I could improve such that I get better at doing it. I have stated a lot of times that I am not built for running and I can never excel in it. But it is precisely this reasons that I kept running - I shouldn't give up just because I think I am not going to be good at it.

Running to me, just like life, is a journey full of sweat, pain and possibly tears, and sometime the end is nowhere in sight. However, the key is to keep going, focusing on the end point, and have each other (i.e. my running partner and life partner) to motivate when the going gets tough. When I think I have consumed all the possible energy in me during crunch time, I always still manage to find another burst of renewed energy to keep going thereafter. Though we may bitch about the toughness, the satisfaction lies in crossing the finishing line that we have set for ourselves. Not to mention the endorphins thereafter (+ the aching actually! Ha.).

I would certainly would like to do more runs in the new year. It is an avenue for stress release to me, and this translates to a healthier me both mentally and physically possibly.

Happy 2012, folks! Have a great year ahead!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congrats! next time Ru will run wif u.