Sunday, June 28, 2009
一转眼 眉头聚满乌云
天灰了 快乐总有限期
Friday, June 26, 2009
Hope dashed...
And I cannot get unrecorded leave and stay home to R&R (without being infected of course!)…*snort*
Thursday, June 25, 2009
My company has someone who has been tested positive for H1N1, but luckily he or she is located on another floor.
But my colleague's roommate has just been sent to hospital to test for H1N1 - he is currently running a fever after being back from Philippines last weekend.
My colleague who just sits next to me has been sent home already.
This also means if the test result in another 10 hours' time is positive, I may need to quarantine myself too. :O
Monday, June 22, 2009
Forgetting to live
"But those who forget the past, neglect the present and fear for the future have a life that is very brief and troubled; when they have reached the end of it, the poor wretches preceive too late that for such a long while they have been busied in doing nothing."
- Roman philosopher Seneca
Squandering the past:
The engrossed are so caught up in the day-to-day that they never take the time to look back. Their lives are like a bottomless well, swallowing up the past as though it never existed.
Neglecting the present:
"Present time is very brief, so brief indeed, that to some there seems to be none; for it is always in motion."
Fearing the future:
"Very wretched, therefore, and not merely short, must the life of those be who work hard to gain what they must work harder to keep." They spend their entire lives preparing to live.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Raffles Marina
The yacht club scene that evening...

Another perspective in landscape
Coconut trees! Hah! The sun started to set
Monday, June 15, 2009
The Mind
Relationship with it is a tricky affair
Can it be manipulated?
Can it be conditioned?
Such that it serves purposefully
How not to think?
How not to be bothered?
How not to be affected?
If it is overwhelmed, can it be not?
If it pins for someone, can it let go?
If it feels bitter, can it be sweetened?
To what extent can it be stretched?
So it knows more, be better and exhibits more strength
Is the sky the limit?
What's next?
Friday, June 12, 2009
My new toy
I bought a new Tokina 12-24mm f4 lens few days ago. I was deciding over the weekend what lens I should get for my Canon EOS400D - should I get a zoom len or a wide angle zoom lens. Well, it’s all in preparation for my NZ trip in Oct! :P
After doing lots of read-up, I decided that I should get myself a wide angle lens first. You see, I would love to get every len that I desire but one lens does not come cheap, esp those L lens produced by Canon! (Ok, I know I am speaking Greek now.) Whichever, bottom line there are too many different types of lens, and it is easy to let a new investment end up to be a dust collector.
There are comparables - Canon itself, which costs a bomb of over $1K, and third party lens Sigma and Tamron. In the end, I bought into the salesman recommendation and decided on a Tokina lens. At least the price is better at $840. The reviews have been pretty good for this lens, so I am looking forward to try out my new toy over the weekend. Let's see if it takes some good landscape photos.
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Next holidays
Is it too early to book for a trip, especially when no one knows how Swine flu will develop over the next few months? I really don't know, but I am not leaving it to chance again for I have been saying this for the past 2 years, but still have never made it happen. Two years ago, we got play out by our friends, and last year we hesitated on the dates and in a week's time, the airticket prices skyrocketed.
So I figured we all can lock in the dates and the attractive flight fares first -cancellation of the tickets costs S$75 each versus the huge difference in airfares come close to travel dates. All may change come closer to date, but well, at least there is a date for each of us to work towards to. The best part is each of us bought a piece of winter jacket at a sale last week for this NZ trip before we even booked the airtickets! Hah.
Four is a great number to go travelling, so I am indeed excited. We will be spending 2 weeks in NZ, and I'll be spending my birthday there. ;) The broad plan is to comb south of NZ, from Christchurch to Queenstown and back to Christchurch via self drive...
There will be much planning to be done and heaps of stuff to buy for this trip... but I am glad that at least there is a long break that I can look forward to even though it is many months down the road.. :)